Welcome to Heatherfield Collies
Of course we provide top quality pure-bred Rough Collies, but our Collies are not just beautiful to look at, they are a fine addition to your family even if you don’t plan on showing! How so?
Besides pedigrees, our adult Collies have been trained and certified to provide services beyond the world of show-dog status. For example, some of our adult dogs are licensed by TDI (Therapy Dogs International) as International Therapy Dogs and have passed the American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen Test. Not only have they earned their certifications, but we do make visits to hospitals and nursing-care facilities to boost the spirits of residents there – so they are field-certified as well!
Some of our other adult Collies have been trained to herd sheep, and have earned certifications and won awards to that end.
So whether you’re looking to show, need companionship, help around the farm, or just want a good quality family pet – Heatherfield Collies is a great place to find what you’re looking for!
To see more about about how Heatherfield dogs perform at dog shows, click HERE.
Our Puppies…
…have had their vaccinations and a health certificate from a licensed veterinarian.
…have had an eye examination and are guaranteed to be free from defects.

…come with detailed, breed-specific instructions on caring for your puppy and details on how to join the Collie Club of America.
…come with two free grooming sessions at our parlor!

Why Choose a Collie from a Breeder?
A Collie Breeder is, first of all, concerned with the health and happiness of their own dogs and the offspring they produce. A breeder does not have anything to do with a puppy mill, and does not sell to pet stores. A Collie Breeder will belong to a recognized Collie Club (like Collie Club of Western Pennsylvania, for example) and has detailed knowledge of the breed and will be happy to share with you the breed’s qualities to help you determine if the Collie is right for you. Although Collies are very good-tempered and intelligent, Collies have many other traits as well. So just like any other breed of dog, Collies are not the right breed for everyone and anyone, and a good breeder would not tell you otherwise. Additionally, a Collie Breeder is not only aware of current and future trends, but a good breeder will also be aware of the history and lineage of each individual dog that they have, and will be aware of any potential problems in breeding into another line. We at Heatherfield Collies will be an asset to you in providing information about the breed as well as giving you pointers on showing, breeding and even training in the future.